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Try testing your knowledge on the use of social media for medical students with this short quiz!

Click on the arrow on the right to reveal the answer.  


Question 1 

Which one of these scenarios best demonstrates patient confidentiality?
a) Brandon, a medical student, sends the patient's name, condition, and bed number to his WhatsApp's group chat for his colleagues to take histories  

b) Sarah, a medical student, takes a photo of the patient's rash for the purposes of a conference with the patient's consent, then proceeds to post it on her Facebook page to share the rare rash with her friends

c) A medical student discusses a COPD patient's case on a medical forum, which states "50 year old female patient with COPD presents to the acute medical unit with purulent cough....."

d) A medical student chats with her friend on Messenger about a specific patient she met during the clinical placement - "Can you believe that I met a 14 year old pregnant girl on the ward today? Her name is Ally; she's super sweet though." 

Question 2 

You see a colleague's post on Facebook with the caption, "I had bedside teaching with Dr John Smith today. He was such a jerk - he kept quizzing me on really complicated anatomy and made fun of me in front of my friends."  What should you do? 
a) Do nothing. 

b) Tell your colleague to take the post down and encourage him/her to report according to the University's guidelines.

c) Like and comment on the post.

d) Confront Dr John Smith yourself for hurting your colleague's feelings

Question 3

A patient you've seen in clinic finds your Facebook account and asks you (a medical student) out to dinner. What is the most appropriate action? 
a) Ignore the text. 

b) Reply and make plans. 

c) Screenshot it and tell your friends for the purpose of entertainment.  

d) Kindly reject the offer and explain that you want to maintain a professional relationship with the patient. 

Question 4

A 2nd year medical student wants to discuss an interesting article about contraceptive pills in her upcoming YouTube video. What should she include in her video and/or caption? 
a) Her qualifications

b) Her full name

c) References to her source of information 

d) All of the above 
1. Confidentiality as a medical student - Ethics toolkit for medical students - BMA [Internet]. The British Medical Association is the trade union and professional body for doctors in the UK. 2020 [cited 20 September 2022]. Available from:

2. Confidentiality: good practice in handling patient information [Internet]. General Medical Council. 2022 [cited 20 September 2022]. Available from:

3. Paltrow G. GP’s Picks: Healing My Body with a Longer-Term Detox [Internet]. Goop. 2022 [cited 20 September 2022]. Available from:

4. Doctors’ use of social media [Internet]. 2013 [cited 20 September 2022]. Available from:

5. Social media [Internet]. 2022 [cited 20 September 2022]. Available from:

6. Achieving good medical practice: guidance for medical students [Internet]. 1st ed. General Medical Council; 2016 [cited 20 September 2022]. Available from:
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